Our Lady Of Furness Catholic Federation

Our Lady Of Furness Catholic Federation

Lovingly we Learn in Harmony

  1. St Mary's Catholic Primary School
  2. PTA - Friends and Family Of St Mary's


St Mary's Catholic Primary School Parent and Teacher Association (PTA) has been running for many years, and is very well supported. The PTA has some great fundraising events each year.

Our main job is to organise events for the children, families and community of St Mary's Catholic Primary School including; discos, auctions and fairs. The money raised from each event goes towards buying equipment for the children to use in school. In addition, we also give money towards transport for the Summer school trips.

We appreciate all the support from the parents and teachers and we have to continue raising lots of money for the children in the future.

A full list of events and activities organised by the PTA can be found on their website.


PTA website


You can contact the PTA via their dedicated email address: stmarysulverstonpta@outlook.com

Spring 2021

Thank you all for your support with our Christmas hamper.  It is amazing to see that we reached the £5000 total.  

As part of improving our outdoors we are adding exercise equipment - so your amazing £1593 from the Santa dash has been added to the total.

We will have lots to celebrate when we can all be back together.

Autumn 2020

Even though we have not been able to get together in person our school families have raised an amazing amount so far this term.  Thank you for purchasing those Christmas gifts.  We had a fun non uniform day and it was lovely to be able to capture those new starters with our school photographs.

We will continue to find opportunities to raise money for our outdoor improvements.

Autumn 2020

Last Year we were unable to raise funds like we would normally.  However we are so grateful for the money that was raised by our PTA to provide us with chrome books.  Who would have thought that we would be remote learning?  Our children have excellent ICT facilities at hand and we are so impressed with their computing skills.  The chrome books have been an amazing addition to our curriculum.  We are now focussing on improcing our outdoors which all started with our sponsored walk.  Over half of our starting total for 2020 is down to the amazing fundraising from this event.