Our Lady Of The Rosary Catholic Primary School

"A beacon of love, joy, calmness and hope."



Macmillan Cancer Support

Every year we are delighted to hold a Macmillan Coffee Morning at the end of September. This is organised by  our House Captains and Year Six children. It's a great start to the year and is a chance for our school family to get together, all while raising funds for an amazing charity. The money raised helps fund Macmillan nurses, answer calls on their support line, and give financial help to families who are battling cancer. This year we raised a fantastic £256.97.

Harvest and Local Foodbank Collections

Every year we organise a Harvest collection at school to coincide with CAFOD's Family Fast Day. The food donations are always gratefully received by Barrow Foodbank. This year our school family provided 240 meals for our local community.

During Covid we donated our food collection to our very own Dalton Foodbank. This was created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the volunteers worked incredibly hard to provide food parcels to local residents.


CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) is a charity very close to our hearts at Our Lady's. We participate in their national assemblies throughout the year including the 'Eyes of the World' campaign about climate change.

We recently joined together with our parishoners to sign the 'Fix the Food' petition to help protect the rights of farmers to save, use, exchange and sell their own seeds.

We have also raised money in other ways including a 'Bring and Buy' sale, a sponsored water themed event where one of our year three pupils swam a mile and raised over £100 and non-uniform days. Our most recent fundraiser was a non-uniform day to support the 'Brighten up this Harvest' appeal and we raised £94.20.

St Mary's Hospice

St Mary's Hospice in Ulverston provides care and comfort for patients living with any life-shortening illness or long term condition and their family. They support people from the moment of diagnosis and their families for longer.

We are very proud to be supporters St Mary's Hospice and fundraise for them in a variety of ways including a sponsored reindeer dash, sponsored fun run, Christmas craft stalls, collections at our nativity performances and sports days and raffles. 

This year, Our Lady's school became a rest stop for St Mary's annual 'Walk to Remember' - a ten mile charity walk from Ulverston to Barrow. It was a fantastic to be able to support our local community.

Royal British Legion

The whole school come together on 11th November to remember those who gave their lives in wars all around the world. On behalf of the Royal British Legion, we sell various items including poppies, pin badges and wristbands. All proceeds are donated straight back to the RBL to support the amazing work they do.

Furness Homeless Shelter

As a school family, we feel it is very important to give something back to others, especially at Christmas. For the past few years, the children have organised a chocolate 'donation station' during December. Members of our Mini Vinnies have taken all the donations to the Furness Homeless Shelter in Barrow. We enjoyed meeting the staff and finding out about the incredible work they do as part of our local community.

Puffin Class Charity Christmas Stall


Each year, Puffin Class make Christmas items to sell after school, at Church and at our  Nativity performances to raise money for charity. For the past few years their chosen charities have been Duddon and Furness Mountain Rescue team, St Mary's Hospice and Furness Homeless Shelter.


Nativity Collections 

Every year at our Nativity performances we have a collection for charity. In the past our chosen charities have included St Mary's Hospice and Shelter. 

Bright Stars Project

This year, Peregrine Class joined with other schools and business to take part in the Bright Stars project. The children were given £50 to start their own business enterprise. The children decided to make tie-dye t shirts to sell to our school and local community. The children looked at our Gospel Values and chose three to put on the front as a powerful message to others. They chose peace, courage and justice. Children and staff also chose to wear them during our town's 'Celebrate Dalton Day' parade.

At the end of the project, the children made a fantastic £200 profit. They decided to donate half the money raised to St Mary's Hospice and he rest of the money was used towards the creation of our Stations of the Cross paintings by a local artist.  

Furness Refugee Support

Our children in key stage two watched a short video produced by CAFOD and we wanted to do something to help refugees. The children organised a clothing collection for a local charity who support refugees in the Furness area and abroad. The response from our school family was absolutely amazing! A big THANK YOU from Puffin Class for your support.