Our Lady Of The Rosary Catholic Primary School

"A beacon of love, joy, calmness and hope."

Learning in music enables children to:

  • Nurture a love of music
  • Make music themselves
  • Express themselves emotionally using their imagination, creativity, aesthetic sensitivity
  • Develop self-discipline and concentration and listen with intent
  • Develop their practical skills
  • Encourage active involvement through team working and music making together
  • Enjoy music through the active processes of listening, composing, performance and review
  • Develop an awareness of musical traditions
  • Strive for the highest possible artistic and technical standards


Music plays such an important part in our lives and it is highly valued at Our Lady of the Rosary. 


Children in key stage two have the opportunity to have instrumental lessons once a week throughout the year with a performance for the whole school at the end of each term. We currently offer flute, clarinet, cello and guitar lessons.


Every child in years 5 and 6 have weekly ukelele lessons as part of the curriculum during the Autumn Term. Violin lessons are offered to key stage two children as a free afterschool club in the Autumn Term. 


We have strong links with several organisations both locally and nationally. These include Furness Music Centre, Cumbria Music Hub, The Lake District Summer Music Festival and The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.

What pupils say about Music at Our Lady of the Rosary School

“Music is great fun at school. I like performing with my friends and singing lots of songs with choir, especially by my favourite band ‘The Beatles’.”


“I enjoy learning fun songs that fit with our topics. I liked working with my friends to write our Egyptian Rap.”


“I enjoy learning to sign songs like ‘Child in a Manger Born’ and the ‘Hail Mary’ because it is like learning another language.”


“Guitar lessons are really fun. I’ve been learning for a few years now and can play lots of different songs.”


“I love all the instruments and learning how to play them. I like being the conductor and telling people to play fast or slow, loud or quiet.”


Our Lady Of The Rosary Catholic Primary School

"A beacon of love, joy, calmness and hope."

Learning in music enables children to:

  • Nurture a love of music
  • Make music themselves
  • Express themselves emotionally using their imagination, creativity, aesthetic sensitivity
  • Develop self-discipline and concentration and listen with intent
  • Develop their practical skills
  • Encourage active involvement through team working and music making together
  • Enjoy music through the active processes of listening, composing, performance and review
  • Develop an awareness of musical traditions
  • Strive for the highest possible artistic and technical standards


Music plays such an important part in our lives and it is highly valued at Our Lady of the Rosary. 


Children in key stage two have the opportunity to have instrumental lessons once a week throughout the year with a performance for the whole school at the end of each term. We currently offer flute, clarinet, cello and guitar lessons.


Every child in years 5 and 6 have weekly ukelele lessons as part of the curriculum during the Autumn Term. Violin lessons are offered to key stage two children as a free afterschool club in the Autumn Term. 


We have strong links with several organisations both locally and nationally. These include Furness Music Centre, Cumbria Music Hub, The Lake District Summer Music Festival and The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.

What pupils say about Music at Our Lady of the Rosary School

“Music is great fun at school. I like performing with my friends and singing lots of songs with choir, especially by my favourite band ‘The Beatles’.”


“I enjoy learning fun songs that fit with our topics. I liked working with my friends to write our Egyptian Rap.”


“I enjoy learning to sign songs like ‘Child in a Manger Born’ and the ‘Hail Mary’ because it is like learning another language.”


“Guitar lessons are really fun. I’ve been learning for a few years now and can play lots of different songs.”


“I love all the instruments and learning how to play them. I like being the conductor and telling people to play fast or slow, loud or quiet.”