Our Lady Of The Rosary Catholic Primary School

"A beacon of love, joy, calmness and hope."

Little Chicks


Our Nursery offers places for 3 year olds who will be 4 years old on or before the 31st August.  There are also a limited number of places available for two year olds.  Please see our Nursery Admissions Policy (in the Policies section) for further details.


These are the times of sessions available and the costs of extra sessions applicable as at 1/9/24.



Morning or Afternoon Session 9am to 12 noon and 12.30-3.30pm (2 year olds)

Morning or Afternoon Session 9am to 12 noon and 12.30-3.30 (3 year olds)





Hot Meal (ordered on lunchshop website)


Lunch Session 12 noon to 12:30pm


Breakfast Club  8am to 8:40am (not usually available for two year olds)




 After School Club 3.30-5.30 (not usually available for two year olds)

 Â£7.50 (£6 each for multiple children from one family))


All learning and development takes place through stimulating and exciting play-based activities, which are planned in line with the Early Years Curriculum. Children are supported and encouraged in becoming independent and enthusiastic learners, while learning to socialise and co-operate effectively with their peers.


Our Lady’s School has an excellent partnership with parents.  This partnership is paramount for Nursery children to have a smooth transition into a Primary School.


Our Nursery children have so much fun, learning and exploring together.