KidSafe is a specialised child protection programme which will be delivered in our school. The KidSafe programme deals with building children’s confidence, self esteem and equips children with effective skills to deal with unsafe situations.
KidSafe enables children to value themselves and others and helps children to make wise and healthy choices/decisions in their lives. It teaches children to recognise and/or prevent abuse i.e., what is appropriate and what is not appropriate, this is done in an age appropriate, fun and non-scary way through a variety of media including the use of a puppet, games, singing and worksheets.
Topics covered during the course include:- Raising self confidence, feelings and talking about our feelings, bullying, respecting our bodies, inappropriate touching, secrets, communication skills, assertion – saying No, computer/internet safety and age ratings on DVD’s and computer games. After the full programme has been delivered a bank of scenario’s can be accessed by the trained tutor to address issues within school. If you require further information about the course, please contact Mrs V Code at school.
Our Aim
Our aim is to protect, educate and empower children. With the help of our puppet, KS, our courses are uniquely designed to help children take an active role in protecting themselves from all forms of abuse.
KidSafe UK Safeguarding is proactive, not reactive and we wholeheartedly believe that empowering children to speak out to a trusted grown up about abuse will help minimise the short and long term damage and harm associated with abuse.