Our Lady Of The Rosary Catholic Primary School

"A beacon of love, joy, calmness and hope."

Early Help Assessment

A message for parents and carers


When your child needs extra support ina an area of their life, we want to find the best way forward as soon as possible. The leaflet below explains how everyone will work together to put your family at the heart of decisions made about your child.


What is an Early Help Assessment?

The Early Help Assessment is a way of working with children and young people. It involves listening to you and your child to find out your child’s needs, and what is working well in your child’s life. An action plan, agreed with you and your child, is also put in place to make sure your child and family get the right sort of help. The Early Help Assessment is voluntary – you and your child can choose to be involved.


Early Help Assessment Leaflet

More information can be found here.