To ensure our implementation of this subject is the best it can be we enlist the help of specialist coaches who work alongside us to deliver our curriculum. This includes:
- Cricket coached by Cumbria Cricket
- Sports leadership sessions from Dowdales BTEC students
- Football and Multiskills from Onside Sports Coaching
- Tennis lessons from a Tennis Coach
- Swimming lessons from the coaches at Dalton leisure Centre
- Dance lessons from specialists such as Moving Monkeez
- Smart Moves sessions delivered by trained staff
- Wheelchair rugby and basketball sessions delivered by trained staff
- Rugby sessions from Barrow Raiders Players
Enlisting the help of specialists enables our delivery of the physical education program to be more effective, challenging and engaging. Working together, we encourage and praise a love for the development of healthy hobbies and physical activity which children can continue to take part in as they grow.
As well as two sessions of PE per week, we also promote our physical activity in other ways. We encourage children and staff to be as healthy and active as possible. Here are some of the ways we do this:
- Year 6 Bikeability courses
- Sports Day
- Walk to School Campaign
- Sports and activity based fundraising days
- Active trips and days out in our local area
- Yoga sessions
- Weekly smart moves lessons
- Fun runs
- Play leader sessions delivered by trained Year 6 pupils