Our Lady Of Furness Catholic Federation

Our Lady Of Furness Catholic Federation

Lovingly we Learn in Harmony

  1. St Mary's Catholic Primary School
  2. RE at St Mary's
  3. RE- Catholic Life

RE- Catholic Life

The Catholic Life of our school is rich in opportunities for the children to encounter God and work with our community. The Gospel Values are a golden thread throughout the school and in all that we do. Through RE displays, dedicated prayer and liturgy areas in all classrooms, outdoor opportunities to connect with God in our inspiring outdoor areas, and through regular teacher and pupil-led liturgy, Catholic life is engrained in our school and learning.

Elmhurst Residential Home July 2021
Elmhurst Residential Home July 2021

The residents and staff were so grateful to Class 4 for sending them gifts and letters to tackle loneliness in the community. 

Class 4 have been working so hard on their Bright Stars project to tackle loneliness in the community. When decided on our focus for this project, we spoke about our Gospel Values and how we would really like to make a difference to people. The children wrote lovely postcards and drew self-portraits for all the residents, as well as giving them bee bombs to plant in their garden and lavender bags. We are so very proud of their dedication and commitment to this project.

July 2021
July 2021

Our 'Co-Creators' were very grateful to receive the solar panel from Siemans Energy today. It was wonderful to meet John Rogers; the children are excited for it to be installed on our hideaway house when it arrives. The Co-Creators are inspired by Saint Francis of Assisi and their aim is to do as much as they can to protect our Earth and God's Creation. The solar panel will help them to get a step closer to their goal.


As May is the month of Mary, Class 3 have decided to record a version of the Hail Mary for you all to enjoy.


November 2020
November 2020
November 2020
November 2020

We all loved being involved in National Youth Fun Day today. 

RE Day October 2020
RE Day October 2020

For our RE day, Class 3 made some beautiful Rosary beads from scratch. Well done Class 3.

May 2020 Online Learning
May 2020 Online Learning


Online learning doesn't stop us from enjoying our RE sessions. Today we learnt about the Rosary and made their very own rosary beads at home.



Today we enjoyed the most beautiful May procession to celebrate Our Lady. We made our own flower crowns, processed to church, crowned Our Lady in the church garden and enjoyed a reflective service from Father Paul. It was a very special day for us all and the sun was shining down on us too! (May 2019)


November 2018
November 2018


Hand bells! Here are our talented Class 2 pupils practising the hand bells for the nativity next month. The children have picked up the music and skills so well and we can't wait for their performance. 


October 2018
October 2018

Today we joined 1 million children from all around the world to say the Rosary; it felt very special. It was amazing to think how the internet brought us together in prayer and reflection as a community of children. Class 2 were very reflective and did so well.

May 2018
May 2018

Delicious cakes! Here is Mrs Byrne and two of our pupils serving cakes to raise money for charity. 

May 2018
May 2018


We feel hungry just looking at this photo of Class 3's Rosary biscuits. Well done Class 3!


Holy Week 2018
Holy Week 2018

Look at our beautiful displays for Holy Week. We love filling our school with creativity and colourful displays.