Our Lady Of Furness Catholic Federation

Our Lady Of Furness Catholic Federation

Lovingly we Learn in Harmony

  1. Our Lady of the Rosary
  2. Safeguarding
  3. Concerned about a child?

Concerned about a child?

Do you have concerns about the safety of a child or young person under the age of 18?


If you are concerned that a child or young person is in an emergency situation you should contact the police urgently on 999.


If you are a member of the public with significant concerns about a child please contact the Cumbria Safeguarding Hub, phone 0333 240 1727 or complete a single contact form.


Please find more information at: https://cumbriasafeguardingchildren.co.uk/ 


Alternatively, contact the school and they will be able to assist you.


Cumbria Safeguarding Hub - 0333 240 1727

Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School 01229 467987 (8.30am-4.15pm Term Time Only)

Email: admin@ourlady.cumbria.sch.uk


If you think that a child or young person is at immediate risk of harm, call 999 for assistance.


Click on the image below to visit the Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership website for more information